Interim Student Director Position

Interested candidates should email a resume to 

Manly Memorial Baptist Church is a thriving and growing ministry in Lexington, Virginia, “the  youngest municipality in the United States,” and is bringing people closer to one another and  closer to Jesus. This is a positive, healthy environment in which one may grow in leadership and  ministry. Men and women are fully supported in both leadership and ordination and are  encouraged to apply. To learn more about the church, visit 

Director Qualities:  

The Student Ministries Director ought to possess (or be actively growing into) the following  qualities: 
> an active faith in Jesus and commitment to personal prayer 

> a love for youth, children, and their parents 

> an outgoing and friendly personality 

> an ability to communicate one's needs in relationships and the work at hand. 

> transparency and good communication skills 

> well organized 

*Preference for candidates in online seminary or post-seminary, will be given.

Ministry Tasks Include: 


> Lead "Children's Moments" during some worship services, including either an object lesson for  children related to the sermon, or something similar, to include children in worship.

> Ensure that Children's Church, Nursery, Hall Monitors, are fully staffed during the worship  hour. 

> Procure curriculum for Children's Church that reflects the theological values of the church.

> Advocate for teen participation and leadership in worship, including collecting offerings,  leading prayers, etc. 

Sunday School 

> Ensure that Youth and Children's Sunday School is fully staffed with volunteers, communicating  with them their roles and expectations. 

> Procure curriculum for Youth and Children's Sunday School that reflects the theological values  of the church. 

Youth Lighthouse 

> During the school year, on Sunday evenings (or afternoons, occasionally) the Student Director  will run "Youth Lighthouse." This program for teens grades 6 to 12 is completely up to one's  creative design each week, but generally could include a meal (provided by parents) a fun game,  and a message from the Bible. The director should recruit other adults in the church to be present  and involved, in order to facilitate more intergenerational relationships within the church  community. 


> On Sunday afternoons, the student director will recruit cooks and help with our college lunch  program. The student director will recruit Building Monitors for Sunday afternoons, or occupy  that position themselves. 

Hours: 20 hours weekly. Time will be arranged as best serves the ministry, and no competing  commitments are allowed on Sundays and Wednesdays. 

Compensation:   $15,150 annual ($15 hourly) 

Weekly Compensation Breakdown:  

> Standard Ministry week = $300 

> Youth Mission trip week = $600 

> Children’s Summer Camp = $600 

> Vacation Bible Study week = $600 

> Fall Youth Retreat = $450 

> Spring Youth Retreat = $450  

> Summer Youth Retreat = $450 

> 4 Weeks Time Off = $0  

Time off: There is no paid time off. The director may take off 4 Sundays a year; up to 4 weeks  off, and also take off the week following any week long trip or VBS. Missing Back to School  Sunday, Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, or Easter Sunday, is not permitted, except in the case of  illness or emergency. Time off should be requested from the pastor, at least two weeks in  advance. 


> Lead and staff youth and children's programming at Wednesday night suppers. 

> Collaboratively plan and lead VBS every summer. 

> Lead an overnight summer camp for children. 

> Beyond VBS, lead 5 family outreach events a year (ie, Parent's Night Out, Children Outings) -Reach out and introduce oneself to visiting and new families at worship or other church events. -Meet with the pastor weekly and possibly meet to help plan worship each Sunday. -Youth trips: plan and lead a Fall retreat, Spring retreat, summer mission camp, and whitewater  rafting trip every year. 

*If the candidate has interest and aptitude in preaching, that will be welcomed!

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We'll be expecting you and your family at Manly Memorial.
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