2026 Vision

2026 Vision


TEAM: Deacons and Staff


Our deacons will be servants first and leaders next. We will remove administrative tasks from the deacon ministry and focus on loving families and guiding our church toward reaching the unchurched.

Ministry Staff:

Our ministry staff will be collaborative and be "leaders of leaders.” We will elevate new people to execute the direct ministry of the church.

MISSION: What we uniquely offer our community
MISSION: What we uniquely offer our community

We offer worship that is unique in our community by being celebratory, intergenerational, participatory, thoughtful, and centered upon Jesus Christ. We are theologically and socially centrist. Our worship will inspire people and support an ever deepening faith.

We will offer bible study groups of about 10 people that deeply explore faith and life together, cultivate deep friendships, and care for one another. These groups will be based on age/stage, and “affinities.” They meet either Sunday morning or midweek.

We will provide student programming that is safe, fun, and spiritually formative.

We will facilitate Christian faithfulness and meaning for people through service and giving opportunities that reflect our compassionate values.

EVANGELISM: How we are trying to reach people

1. Prayer
We will organize prayer walks and, as an organization, pray for the Holy Spirit to bless (and direct us to better serve) our wider Lexington community.

2. Series and Big Day Invitations
Bringing friends to church will be made easier with invite cards to give to friends in face to face interactions.

3. Community Outreach
At least 7 times a year, we will establish a vibrant, social, fun, and generous presence outside the walls of our church, in our neighborhood. People will view MMBC as a happening and alive place to be. Also, we will have outdoor signage to maintain a fresh, vibrant, welcoming appearance.

4. Community Service
Every month of the year, our church is seen out of the seats and into the streets, serving our community.

5. Partnerships
Leveraging the asset of our campus, we will connect with several community partners. We will have more tenants in the unused rooms of our campus to support our church’s mission, and Manly Memorial will be a “7 day a week ministry.”

6. Financial Freedom:
We will inspire a more generous congregation and raise surplus revenue every year. Our budget will grow every year.

7. Digital Incarnation:
Our unchurched community is online and we will meet them there. Our website will be seen and send new visitors to our church.

8. Pastor’s Community Presence:
Up to half of our pastor’s ministry time will be manifest in the community, loving people where they are in life: visiting hospitals & homebound members and their families, sermon prep in coffee shops, attending local ball games, etc.

IMPACT: Ministry impact is mostly intangible, but let's try to look at a few things we can put a "number" on.

1. Worship Attendance
Our average worship attendance (September-April) will be 150.

2. Bible Study attendance ratio:
Weekly bible study group attendance will be 60% of worship attendance. (Up from ~41%)

3. Giving:
We will receive a 3% year end surplus in giving over our ministry budget, enabling us to grow our ministry budget every year.

4. Known:
In Lexington, recognition of “Manly Memorial Baptist Church” will be “significantly” improved, especially amongst the university community.

5. Missions:
Our mission offerings will be 25% higher, following aforementioned increased engagement.

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